1 Year in Review - U and I / Ebony’s Son - Khalif Bryant

Our #FrequencyFeature of the month goes to artist, Khalif Bryant. Being one of the OG members of Frequency, he has a message to other artists looking for development and community.

It’s been over year since Khalif “Leafy” Bryant’s immaculate single run. Since then, he has been getting busy around Hampton Roads, creating showcasing opportunities with open mic event Virginia’s Got Talent (@Buko Resto Bar on Wednesdays), creating new sounds for an upcoming project, and finding a niche with local band, Fortresses, led by Zachary Hines Jr.

He says in a conversation, “Yeah man, Fortresses is dope, I find a lot of inspiration and creativity with them. I’m thankful for meeting Zach, he’s like a musical big brother to me; everyone involved with the band is family, and what’s crazy is, I wouldn’t even have known or met these people if it wasn’t for Frequency.”

He speaks heavily on how Frequency has impacted him as an artist. “Frequency love is the best love,” he stated, “the community and support you get from like-minded artists through this team, you can’t match that.” He recalls his most worthwhile experiences with Frequency during our conversation, one taking place during last years’ VibeFest when he served as show closer with Fortresses, and the other being the #ElevationExperiences that put him on to the open mic scene.

Frequency love is the best love,
— Khalif Bryant

When asked what he’s currently promoting, he exclaimed that the projects and singles he has on streaming platforms were his primary focus. Secondly, he strongly emphasized his YouTube content; which includes dope visuals from industry level cinematographers, as well as behind the scenes footage, live performances, and interviews with several other media outlets.

Frequency Music Group is proud to have you on board. Continue to tap in with us for more content and local musician highlights.

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As always, peace and blessings! 🚀

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